5 Reasons Why Hair Weft Itch & How To Fix It

As the founder of Royo Hair, I’ve encountered many queries about itchiness from hair weft extensions. It’s a pressing issue for many users, and understanding the causes and solutions is key to a comfortable experience with these classic, affordable, and durable hair extensions.

Itching from hair wefts can be caused by various factors, from the quality of the hair used to how it’s installed and maintained. But don’t worry, there are practical solutions to each of these problems.

Let’s delve into the reasons behind this itchiness and explore effective ways to resolve it.

What Causes Itchiness in Hair Wefts?

When it comes to hair wefts, comfort is as important as style. But sometimes, itchiness can be a real spoiler. Let’s look at why this happens and how to tackle it.

Poor Quality Material

It’s an unfortunate truth that not all hair extensions are made equal. Some use low-grade hair, synthetic fibers, or even animal hair, which can be harsh on the scalp. Especially for those with sensitive skin, these materials can cause irritation and lead to itchiness.hair wefts

Improper Installation

Proper installation is crucial. If hair wefts are installed too tightly or incorrectly, they can put undue stress on your scalp. This pressure can irritate and cause an itchy sensation over time, much like wearing a hat that’s too tight.

Hair weaving

Lack of Scalp Hygiene

Maintaining scalp hygiene is essential when wearing hair extensions. Weft extensions can trap heat and sweat, leading to a build-up of oils and product residue. This build-up can irritate your scalp, causing it to itch.

hair extensions

Allergic Reactions

Allergies can be a sneaky culprit behind the itchiness. You might be allergic to the materials in the extensions or the glue used for attachment. When these materials touch your scalp, they can cause itchiness, redness, and discomfort.

hair extension

Return Hair

Those tiny strands of short hair on the top of machine wefts, known as return hair, are necessary but can be troublesome. They can stick out and rub against your scalp, causing irritation and itchiness.

remy hair weaving

How to Address the Itchiness?

Resolving itchiness from hair wefts is about making the right choices, from the type of extensions you use to how you maintain them.

Choose High-Quality Extensions

Opt for high-quality, 100% human hair extensions. They are less likely to irritate and feel more natural. As someone who’s been in the business for years, I can’t stress enough the importance of sourcing your extensions from reputable suppliers.

Hair material

Proper Installation

Ensure that your extensions are installed by a professional stylist. They have the expertise to attach wefts comfortably, without causing tension on your scalp. It’s all about achieving that perfect balance between looking good and feeling good.


Maintain Scalp Hygiene

Keep your scalp clean. Regular washing with a gentle shampoo can prevent build-up under the wefts. Rinse thoroughly to avoid any residue that might irritate your scalp.

Washing hair

Test for Allergies

Do a patch test if you suspect an allergy to the extensions or adhesive. Apply a small amount of the adhesive to your skin and wait for 24 hours to see if there’s any reaction.

full hair

Consider Other Types of Extensions

If machine wefts aren’t working for you, explore other options like tape-ins, Genius weft, or keratin-bond extensions. Each type has its unique benefits and might suit your needs better.

Genius wefts hair extensions


Finding the right hair extensions is all about balancing your needs, comfort, and style. From choosing quality extensions, ensuring proper installation, and maintaining scalp hygiene, to considering different types of extensions – every step is crucial. Remember, hair extensions should enhance your beauty without causing discomfort. Take your time, explore your options, and make the best choice for your unique hair needs.

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